
We advise the major players in the transport sector in France and abroad:
  • Public and private operators of rail transport and more generally of passenger transport;
  • Banks and credit institutions specializing in the financing of rolling stock and aeronautics, in conventional credit, project credit, export credit or structured leasing;
  • Investment fund involved in the financing of public transport concessions;
  • Arrangers and experts in residual values;
  • Local authorities.
  This sector is undergoing major changes due to the restructuring of players (organizing authorities, private companies), the scarcity of natural resources, growing environmental concerns and the reduction in public funding. Our sector expertise enables us to have a cross-practice approach, both in transactional (contracts, regulations, public and private sectors, PPP concessions, financing, accounting and tax structuring) and in litigation. This approach, combining public and private law, is an asset for dealing effectively and appropriately with issues related to rail, land, air, sea, inland waterway, port and customs, or international trade.   Our company has prepared itself to meet with the challenges of the coming years, anticipate these changes and respond effectively to the expectations of our clients, in particular:
  • the opening of the market to competition;
  • the development of inter-modality;
  • the creation of more sustainable and competitive transport offers;
  • the integration of transport into spatial planning;
  • a greener aviation;
  • the implementation of alternative financing methods (stakes of the duration of the financing which weighs on the bank balance sheet).


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