
We work on a wide range of issues related to the economic framework of relations between suppliers and distributors. We advise and represent manufacturers in the establishment and management of their distribution channels, as well as specialized or generalist distributors (supermarkets, e-commerce players, etc.), dealers, franchisors or franchisees.   A significant part of our activity is devoted to dealing with issues related to Internet distribution, whether it is advising pure players or players wishing to diversify their marketing vectors.   For example, we handle the following cases:
  • Assistance on developing digital distribution policies, protecting intellectual property rights, and drafting broadcasting contracts;
  • Design and setup of the distribution systems, taking into account existing regulatory and fiscal constraints;
  • Assistance in the process of reorganizing distribution networks;
  • Assessment under European competition law of distribution and R&D draft contracts;
  • Assistance during DGCCRF controls (French General direction for competition, consumer affairs and fraud prevention) and before criminal courts
  • Implementation of all pre-contractual and contractual formalities (e.g. for a franchise system);
  • Litigation concerning the termination of established commercial relationships.


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