Competition and antitrust

Competition and antitrust
Our integrated offer and working method enable us to have an original approach to competition. Our experience is constantly enriched by our clients’s diversity (large industrial groups, SMEs and public institutions) and their business fields (insurance, health, agri-food, energy, chemistry, media, sports, transport, leisure, defense, construction or mass distribution...).   We can, thus, cover the entire range of services in competition and antitrust:
  • Competitive risk analysis (unlawful agreements, cartels, dominance), compliance program;
  • Concentration control;
  • State aid;
  • Assistance during investigations by competition authorities;
  • Preventive, curative, offensive approach.
  We are able to support our clients in their positioning on the market and in the definition of their commercial policy. We also assist them during all phases, exchange or confrontation with national authorities (pre-notification, notification, investigations, litigation), and we are able to help them anticipate risks. As an example and according to your needs, we can:
  • Deal with criminal sides and proceedings relating to an anti-competitive agreement, or the identification  of restrictive practices and dominant positions.
  • Intervene before the drafting of regulatory texts to be submitted to the Competition Authority, with the aim of promoting the interests of the pratice in compliance with market requirements.
  • Develop a defensive argument or strategy based on both competition law and intellectual property in the context of the development of new markets or the emergence of new dominant players.


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