GDPR companies’ certification: De Gaulle Fleurance & Associés, 1st independent French law firm to become an official partner of Europrivacy

GDPR companies’ certification: De Gaulle Fleurance & Associés, 1st independent French law firm to become an official partner of Europrivacy

De Gaulle Fleurance & Associés has been identified and qualified by the European Centre for Certification and Privacy Protection as the official partner of EuroprivacyTM/®.

It is the first independent French law firm having been selected through this process.

  Under this partnership, De Gaulle Fleurance & Associés assists and guides companies with the certification of the compliance of their data processing activities under the Europrivacy scheme and the European General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). Objectives:
  • Identifying and reducing legal and financial risks through a Europrivacy's audit and risk analysis;
  • Improving the reputation and enhancing market access by means of a Europrivacy's GDPR certification;
  • Establishing and building a trust-based relationship thanks to continuous updates and monitoring.
  GDPR has made certification a major provision, including 70 references to this in the wording of the Regulation. At a time of unprecedented growth in the data economy and of a growing public mistrust in the use of their data, certification is a seal of trust that companies can provide to their business partners and to the general public. In addition, they will be better equipped to prove their compliance in the event of an inspection by the authorities and consequently will reduce their exposure* to a growing number of sanctions since the entry into force of the GDPR (up to €10 or €20 million or 2 or 4% of annual worldwide turnover)." Compliance with the RGPD is a major challenge and an asset for companies over and above the requirements imposed by this regulation. Especially in a globalized economic environment," emphasizes Cécile Théard-Jallu, partner at De Gaulle Fleurance & Associés. "Many of them have made progress in their compliance and can now prepare for this new stage of their GDPR project, which is certification. This partnership with Europrivacy enables us to offer a strategic service to companies to support them in this crucial step, enabling them to gain a competitive advantage and a guarantee of reliability on the market, whatever their activities and organizations"     Matthieu Dary, also a partner in our firm, adds that "Today, nearly 25 of the lawyers at De Gaulle Fleurance & Associés, including 9 partners, are able to focus on the protection of personal data and the security and enhancement of our clients' practices. Our firm is a major player in this field on the French and European market, with a global approach within the framework of our international network of good friends themselves experts in the field”.     According to Georgie Courtois, partner, "We use our expertise on personal data protection issues both as such and within broader projects relating to the international digital market, whether in legal counselling or litigation. Our activity is at the heart of the issues at stake in this market”.    

A reliable certification process:

The Europrivacy scheme has been developed in the framework of the European research programme Horizon 2020 as a response to the specific obligations of the GDPR and as an official certification tool in application of its article 42. It has been developed in close cooperation with European data protection experts and in consultation with national data protection authorities and market players. It is continuously updated by the European Centre for Certification and Privacy Protection (ECCP) in Luxembourg and its International Committee of Data Protection Experts.   Europrivacy provides a sophisticated methodology to certify the compliance of all kinds of data processing with the GDPR. It is extensible to complementary national data protection regulations and can be applied to emerging technologies. For more information on Europrivacy:     * Certification significantly reduces legal and financial risks and exposure to sanctions but is not an absolute guarantee.  
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