Sandra Hahn Duraffourg - Lawyer

Sandra Hahn Duraffourg


  • +33 1 56 64 16 83
  • +33 6 47 53 47 99

Sandra Hahn Duraffourg mainly pratices energy law, public law, procurement law and health law.  Prior to joining the legal profession, Sandra Hahn Duraffourg worked as a legal advisor in the legal and procurement department of the Etablissement public d’aménagement universitaire de la Région Île-de-France (“EPAURIF”) and as a legal officer in the electricity division of the French National Energy Ombudsman.


She also has experience as a legal advisor within an energy grid operator, a sectorial expertise that enables her to assist her clients in the setting up of their renewable energy electricity production projects (photovoltaic power plants, wind farms, methanization units…).


Sandra Hahn Duraffourg also advises clients on health law issues relating to the regulation of health products and on public contract law, both in counsel and litigation.


She was in charge of tutorials in public economic law at the Law Department of the University of Burgundy in 2016.



French - English


Sandra Hahn Duraffourg is a member of the Paris Bar since  2019.

2014 Master degree 2 in Public Economic Law from the University of Panthéon Assas

2013 Master degree 1 Public Law from the University of Burgundy

2012 Bachelor of Law from the University of Burgundy

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