Marie Guégot - Lawyer

Marie Guégot


  • +33 1 56 64 03 38
  • +33 6 85 35 82 22

Marie Guégot mainly practices commercial Law (civil Law, contracts, corporate, collective proceedings, liability actions, etc.) and corporate law (approval of accounts, capital transactions, deeds of assignment, NDA, etc.), in both advisory and litigation matters, as well as in criminal law.

She is a member of the Paris Bar since 2015, she is registered on the lists of the criminal offices of the Paris Bar and active member of Young AvoTech (Avotech network), an association in the field of legaltechs.



Français - Anglais


2013 Masters’ degree Economy and Law from the University of Paris II Panthéon Assas.

2012 Masters’ in Business Law from the University of Paris II Panthéon Assas.

2011 Bachelor of Law from the University of Paris II Panthéon Assas.

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