Invitation Lunch-conference – Combating internet piracy : what policies in Belgium and in Europe ?


De Gaulle Fleurance & Associés is pleased to invite you to a lunch-conference addressing :

Combating internet piracy : what policies in Belgium and in Europe ?

European countries adopted specific legal frameworks in order to address the issue of internet piracy of copyrighted material (movies, music, videogames etc.).

In Belgium, the federal government announced recently its intention to act in this matter.

This conference will present an overview of the possible actions and will be an opportunity for all stakeholders to voice their opinions.

3 March 2016

12.00am - 2.00pm

Speakers :

Prof. Dr. Peter Bräutigam, Noerr, is a proven specialist in the field of IT law in Germany.

Presentation of the German legislative and judicial system which has been implemented to fight internet piracy.

Louis de Gaulle, De Gaulle Fleurance & Associés, specializes in intellectual property, new technologies, commercial law and public law.

specializes in intellectual property, new technologies, commercial law and public law.

Charles-Edouard Renault, De Gaulle Fleurance & Associés, specializes in media, audiovisual and entertainment law.

Today combating internet piracy, and tomorrow unlimited portability of copyrighted content in Europe ? Is the territoriality principle in danger ?

Thibault Verbiest, De Gaulle Fleurance & Associés, developed extensive knowledge in intellectual property, technologies, media and telecommunications.

Where should Belgium go ? The different options to address internet piracy

Vincent Jadot works as company lawyer for the Belgian Entertainment Association and is specialized in intellectual property.

Presentation of the Online Fair Play platform which unites rightholders' organisation in their plea for an effective enforcement of rights on the internet, a containment of the unfair competition caused by illegal content services and a better consumers' protection against the risks of the illegal offer in order to ensure confidence in the e-commerce.

RSVP before 25 February 2016  by email

Limited seating

De Gaulle Fleurance & Associés

222 avenue Louise - 1050 Brussels

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